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Code of Practice for Statistics
The Code of Practice for Statistics sets the standards that producers of official statistics should commit to.
The Code benefits all of us, as users and citizens. Compliance with the Code gives you confidence that published government statistics have public value, are high quality, and are produced by people and organisations that are trustworthy.
On 5 May 2022, the Office for Statistics Regulation revised the Code of Practice for Statistics, to reflect two changes to release practices, T3.1 and T3.6 in principle T3: Orderly release. These changes follow a consultation on proposals to enable some greater flexibility on the timing of the release of official statistics, while the standard release time remains as 9.30am.
It has been 5 years since we published the Code version 2.0. From September to December 2023, OSR will be seeking feedback on the Code to ensure it remains relevant for today’s world of data and statistics production.