V1: Relevance to users

Users of statistics and data should be at the centre of statistical production; their needs should be understood, their views sought and acted on, and their use of statistics supported.

What you should commit to

V1.1 Statistics producers should maintain and refresh their understanding of the use and potential use of the statistics and data. They should consider the ways in which the statistics might be used and the nature of the decisions that are or could be informed by them.

V1.2 Statistics producers should use appropriate ways to increase awareness of the statistics and data, communicate effectively with the widest possible audience, and support users and potential users in identifying relevant statistics to meet their needs.

V1.3 User satisfaction with the relevance and usefulness of the statistics and data should be reviewed routinely. This should consider the timeliness, accessibility, clarity and accuracy of the statistics and data.

V1.4 Statistics producers should engage publicly through a variety of means that are appropriate to the needs of different audiences and proportionate to the potential of the statistics to serve the public good. An open dialogue should be maintained using proactive formal and informal engagement to listen to the views of new and established contacts. Statistics producers should undertake public engagement collaboratively wherever possible, working in partnership with policy makers and other statistics producers to obtain the views of stakeholders.

V1.5 The views received from users, potential users and other stakeholders should be addressed, where practicable. Statistics producers should consider whether to produce new statistics to meet identified information gaps. Feedback should be provided to them about how their needs can and cannot be met, being transparent about reasons for the decisions made and any constraints.

V1.6 Statistics producers should periodically review whether to continue, discontinue, adapt or to provide the statistics through other means, in discussion with users and other stakeholders.

Guidance and resources

Description Link Source
OSR's guidance on user engagement presents a simple framework for analysts and their organisations when thinking about and planning user engagement activities: Plan, Promote, Listen, Understand, Act, Collaborate. Regulatory guidance on user engagement OSR
The new user engagement strategy for statistics sets out a plan of action for building a more meaningful and sustained dialogue between producers, users and potential users of statistics. It has three goals: Collaboration, Capability and Culture, and contains case studies of good practice. User engagement strategy for statistics GSS
A webpage that brings together information and guidance on user engagement, including how to identify users, and why and how to engage with users. (The page is under review.) User engagement webpage GSS
A webpage that brings together guidance and resources on communicating statistics. Communicating statistics webpage GSS
Guidance that provides practical advice on how to communicate quality, uncertainty and change for different types of statistics and for a range of audiences. Communicating quality, uncertainty and change GSS
Guidance that aims to help producers of statistics improve their statistical commentary. Writing about statistics GSS
The government has published a revised set of government consultation principles. These principles give clear guidance to government departments on conducting consultations. Guidance on public consultations Cabinet Office
Government Digital Service (GDS) guidance on using social media in the public sector. It aims to share GDS best practice. GDS Social Media Playbook GDS
A tool developed by the Medical Research Council, Chief Scientist Office and the University of Glasgow that guides readers through a series of questions to help them to review and interpret published health research papers. Understanding Health Research tool Medical Research Council
A guide by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) that helps producers of statistics explain the sources and methods for producing statistics (metadata). Getting the Facts Right: A guide to presenting metadata (PDF, 19.78MB) UNECE